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Showing posts with the label monument

Visiting the Unused Motorway Tunnel in Zurich and Proposing a Monument

On my recent trip to Zurich to speak at TEDxZurich I was arranging an interview with a journalist for the Swiss paper Tages Anzeiger . I had heard about the motorway tunnel built 20 years ago under the Central Station and asked him if we could visit it. He arranged it and, after a bicycle ride around the city to assess - and mock - the state of the city's bicycle culture, we headed underground, accompanied by two gents from Swiss railways. The tunnel isn't long. It was built two decades ago during the construction of the Museumstrasse line station. It wasn't even intended for immediate use. The plan was that it would eventually be used to connect the A3 and A1 - Allmend Brunau and Neugut motorway junction. I wanted to see the tunnel for two reasons. Firstly, it's just cool to see motorways and tunnels like this that have never been used. Never putrified with exhaust, its walls never shaken incessently by automobile traffic. I also wanted to visit it because I he...