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Showing posts with the label post

Postal Racing

I'd forgotten about this photo from last summer. Two postmen racing down the bicycle path on their Christania bikes after finishing their rounds. Heading back to the post centre on Finsensvej. Enjoying every minute of it. Love it.

Brits Slaughter the Postal Bicycle

So the Brits are ditching their bicycle postmen. Royal Mail is calling it "modernisation" and citing "safety" as the reason . Over a century of not only tradition but also role models for urban and rural mobility will soon be lost. It's just mad. Does anyone know which company will be providing the vans to replace the bicycles? Was there lobby work at play? Wouldn't surprise me. With a sigh of disgust I just figured I'd chuck a whole bunch of photos of postmen and women in Copenhagen doing what they've done for over a century. And here's a spot of Cycle Chic on the left and a stamp celebrating Danish postal workers.