When it rains, it pours. A little while ago I blogged about how there appears to be a growing resistance against bike helmet laws around the world. Then I got word from my network of a couple more developments. Mexico City repealed their bike helmet law back in February 2010. Let's face it, it wasn't much of a law since there was little enforcement and it was, essentially, unenforceable. Back in 2008 there was a bicycle count including over 26,000 cyclists and 93% of them didn't feel the need to wear a helmet. The main reason for the push to repeal the helmet law was the upcoming implementation of the city's bike share system, Ecobici . The Institute for Transportation and Development Policy [ITDP] were instrumental in getting the law repealed but there was also support from within the city government. Back in December I blogged about how the helmet law in Israel was up for repeal , as well. From what I've heard the lobbying was successful and adults are no longer...
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